Spring Education Conference in Bend, Oregon
Thursday, May 4th - Saturday, May 6th, 2023
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
***Limited class space still available***
Thursday, May 4th and Friday, May 5th - The Complete Permit Technician (2-Day Course) with Steve Burger
- $400.00 OPTA Member Rate / $500.00 Non-Member Rate
Thursday, May 4th - Single Family Homes, from Application to Occupancy with Glenn Mathewson
- $200.00 OPTA Member Rate / $250.00 Non-Member Rate
Friday, May 5th - Deck Inspection and Plan Review with Glenn Mathewson
- $200.00 OPTA Member Rate / $250.00 Non-Member Rate
Saturday, May 6th - Permit Technician Certification Test Prep Class
- $200.00 OPTA Member Rate / $250.00 Non-Member Rate
Hotel Information: Hampton Inn Bend. Group Rate: $139.00/night plus room tax, Group Name: OPTA Spring Conference, Group Code: OPT, book by 4/11/23.
***Hotel Special Group Rate - extended through Friday, April 14th***
Hampton Inn - Bend, OR
Class Descriptions:
The Complete Permit Technician with Steve Burger, C.B.O., LEED A.P. (1.4 CEUs)
This two-day course is intended to provide essential information in the areas of code administration and history, legal aspects, customer service, basic construction, inspection process, zoning requirements, permit fee calculations, basic occupancy and construction types, basic means of egress and dealing with difficult customers. The course is recommended for front counter personnel, other Building Department staff and those who may be interested in preparing for the ICC Permit Technician certification exam.
Single Family Homes, from Application to Occupancy with Glenn Mathewson, MCP
Construction of single-family, detached homes is quite a process. From planning to application to execution to inspection, there are many steps along the way. Like a dance, a beautiful performance comes from smooth steps timed by everyone in the group. Mutual understanding and respect for each professional involved and a good grasp of the choreography helps ensure no one trips up. Learn the steps of building a new home in this brand new class. No formal wear required!
Deck Inspection and Plan Review with Glenn Mathewson, MCP
Previously not specifically addressed in the code, residential decks have seen tremendous attention in the last few IRC editions. Generally thought of as simple structures and often constructed by ill-prepared homeowners or new contractors, the truth of their nuances is now clearly revealed in the recent standards. This course starts with a common under-detailed plan submission and walks through all aspects of the load path from the decking to the foundation. Useful for plan reviewers, inspectors, and contractors and taught by a former deck builder turned inspector who contributed to the creation of nearly all the new provisions. Abandon the guesswork of deck code compliance relied on in past years and get up to speed on how the IRC now provides for these common structures.
Permit Technician Certification Study Companion Class (0.7 CEUs)
This course is designed to help prepare participants interested in taking the ICC Permit Technician Certification Exam, familiarizing them with each of the code books and how to find necessary code information quickly and accurately. Although, it is primarily focused on the ICC PT exam, it is also a valuable resource to other individuals who would like to learn more or refresh their knowledge about code administration. The purpose of this course is to educate the participants on where to look in the code books for answers and not necessarily know the entire code.
OPTA is a proud ICC Preferred Provider - ICC PP# 1370
Registration fees include lunch and breaks, please contact us with any special dietary needs.
**Minimum $25 Cancellation Fee per class. No cancellations accepted 72 hours before start of class.