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ICC Chapter Links

OPTA Member Endorsed Guides, Forms and Technical Stuff 
We want to hear from you. Send us your recommendations!

OPTA Job Aid: What is the maximum size of a non-habitable accessory structure that can be built without permits?

Plan Review GuideA detailed guide to help understand the ‘why’ behind some of the plan review requirements and processes.

Commercial Mechanical Plan Review Exemption: This is great if you are struggling to understand when plan review is required for commercial mechanical permits.  

Oregon Design Criteria Hub: Instructions on navigating the interactive design criteria mapping tool projects governed by the Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC).

Surcharge backgrounder: If you’ve ever wondered what the 12% surcharge is for this document is for you.

Technical Bulletin on Photovoltaic pathways on detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses

100-HMIS Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement: The HMIS Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) Form helps categorize hazardous materials stored or used on a site. This form is essential for determining occupancy classification, fire code compliance, and any special permitting requirements.

ADA Standards Accessible Parking: This guide outlines the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for accessible parking, including space dimensions, signage requirements, and the number of spaces required based on lot size.

Alternate Methods Materials: This form allows applicants to propose alternative methods, materials, or designs that differ from standard building code requirements while still meeting safety and performance objectives. It’s a key tool for permit technicians to help facilitate innovative construction solutions while ensuring compliance with Oregon building regulations.

Code Summary Requirements: Ever had an applicant struggle with putting together a code summary? This handy guide breaks it down in a simple way! It helps applicants understand key details like occupancy classification, construction type, and fire protection requirements—making it easier for them to provide the right information and keep the permitting process moving smoothly.

Reference Manual for Building Officials: Looking for a solid resource on Oregon’s building official responsibilities? This reference manual covers key duties, legal requirements, and best practices for administering building codes. A great go-to guide for permit techs who want a deeper understanding of how building departments operate.

Technical Bulletin discussing Building Fees as Dedicated Fees – Information on how to protect building monies!

Technical Bulletin on Water / Sewer Authority and Licensing --- site utility guidance, super helpful diagram on this one that you really want to have .. or even print out and provide at your counter!

2024 ICC Data Table.pdf The ICC Valuation Table is used throughout Oregon to calculate the building valuation of a new structure.  Anything submitted before April 1st will be calculated off the 2023 ICC Valuation Table and anything April 1st of after will be calculated off the 2024 ICC Valuation Table.  

Construction Classifications: Helping an applicant figure out their building’s construction type? This guide breaks down the different construction classifications, explaining how materials and fire resistance impact a building’s designation. It’s a great tool to pass along when applicants need a clearer understanding of what category their project falls into.

ORS 455.095 and 455.097 (ePermitting wet signature exemption): Not every form needs a wet signature! This document explains Oregon’s ePermitting exemption under ORS 455.097, clarifying when electronic submissions are acceptable. It’s a helpful reference for permit techs when applicants question why a physical signature isn’t always required.

Existing Building Supplemental Form: Looking for a great example of a form that helps document work in an existing building? This supplemental form provides a clear way to outline changes, making it easier to track alterations and ensure compliance with code requirements. A useful reference for jurisdictions developing their own version!

Hazards Quick List: Need a quick reference for common hazards? This spreadsheet is a great example of how to categorize potential risks in a building, helping permit techs identify when additional reviews or safety measures might be needed. A handy tool for jurisdictions looking to develop their own hazard screening checklist!

High-Pile Storage Submittal Checklist: Reviewing a project with high-pile storage? This checklist is a great tool to ensure applicants provide all the necessary details, from floor plans to fire protection measures. It helps permit techs verify submittal requirements and makes it easier for applicants to understand what’s needed for compliance.

Racking Permit Requirements: Not sure when a racking permit is required? This document outlines key requirements for storage racks, including height limits, seismic considerations, and fire protection. A great reference for permit techs when guiding applicants through the permitting process for warehouse or retail storage systems.

State of Oregon Resources

Oregon Building Codes Division Website

BCD Local Building Department Directory

Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services.

Oregon's Land Use Planning Program Online Training:   This training provides an overview of planning principles and practices and how they relate to local government planning efforts.

Oregon Residential Specialty Code 2023 Code

Update Trainings videos


Helpful information for everyone

Oregon ePermitting Blog:  all of our announcements, enhancements, any special training on hot topics, etc.  You can search this site as well by ‘keyword’.

ePermitting Jurisdiction Hub: while still being developed/enhanced, this website is a one-stop shop for all things we estimate an agency might need or need access to, even things we don’t own or manage but know agencies are often asking for or needing!

Application form templates: however, we have these with each agencies logo and header already done and ready to use, just submit a helpdesk ticket to epermitshelp.BCD@dbbs.oregon.gov.

Model Fee Schedule 2024: Ever wonder how permit fees are structured? This model fee schedule provides a great example of how jurisdictions calculate fees, with inline comments to help explain the reasoning behind each section. A useful reference for permit techs looking to understand or refine their own jurisdiction’s fee schedule.

ORSC Chapter 1 Scope and Administration: When is a Certificate of Occupancy required for a residential project? This document breaks down ORSC R110.3 and key administrative provisions, helping permit techs understand when and why a C of O is issued. A great reference for explaining requirements to applicants and ensuring compliance with Oregon’s residential code.

Division 50 Highlights: Division 50 outlines the certification requirements for building officials, inspectors, and plan reviewers in Oregon. This highlighted document breaks down key provisions, making it easier to understand licensing, training, and enforcement regulations. A great reference for permit techs who want insight into the qualifications and roles within building departments.

Spring 2024 Best Practice slide presentation

Specific to jurisdictions that use ePermitting

Oregon ePermitting YouTube Channel:

ePermitting App Help Hub: for help on how to use the apps we provide

Kayako Knowledgebase

Contractor website - Using Oregon ePermitting

Rob Dabrowski, APO contact – Addresses/Parcels/Owners .. for any issues with or questions about your agency property data: rob.dabrowski@dcbs.oregon.gov

Jerod Broadfoot, BCD ePermitting Training & Outreach Coordinator – our trainer and expert on the Inspector and Scheduling apps we offer; and outreach training to inspectors and Contractors:  



Oregon Permit Technicians Association 

P.O. Box 634

Springfield, OR 97477


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